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Weight Management & Chiropractic - Cafe of LIfe

Weight Management and Chiropractic


When patients present to my office I always am interested in what their goals are. Specifically what are there immediate, short term, and long term goals.  It is not uncommon for me to see weight loss as a short term or long term goal. Sometimes it is really clear, weight loss is clearly written down. Sometimes it is stated as “lose a certain amount of lbs” or “ lean out” but invariably a high percentage of people are interested in looking better and feeling healthier.

So how can chiropractic help?


1.) Chiropractic is the only discipline that  detects and corrects Subluxation. This misalignment of the spine causes nerve pressure and can affect a host physiological and metabolic processes.  If you want to control your weight, you need to have proper hormonal regulation. The Nervous System is the master communication system that controls and regulates all other systems. This would include your endocrine system.  Subluxation will alter your body’s ability balance hormones. Without proper balance of these hormones, it will be difficult to manage weight. Chiropractic can help to correct subluxation, enhance communication of the Nervous System and restore hormonal balance.


2.) Weight management requires an active lifestyle.  Sedentary people are generally overweight. In order to maintain a healthy weight and a healthy lifestyle physical activity is necessary.  When people are Subluxated and in pain, this limits activity. It is really hard to be active and push yourself to physical limits when pain is present.  Chiropractic can help to reduce nerve pressure, eliminate pain and restore proper motion to joints. This will prevent injury when one is ready to get more active. It will also make the process a whole lot more comfortable.


3.) Sleep! It is often overlooked. People who are looking to lose weight need rest. Regular chiropractic adjustments help with sleep in many different ways. First, biomechanically it can help to ensure comfort while sleeping. If one is in pain and tossing and turning in discomfort than it is hard to get proper rest.  Also hormones play a role here. Subluxation can affect the Pineal Gland melatonin production. Getting adjusted can help.  Many times chronic stress is the culprit keeping us up at night. Subluxation can induce a chronic stress response that drives cortisol production. Getting adjusted can correct this, reduce chronic stress and help one get the rest needed for weight management.


Our Chiropractic office caters to practice members that use chiropractic as a healthy lifestyle strategy.  We are constantly feeding our practice members information on healthy lifestyle tools. What does it mean to be healthy? We provide complimentary workshops about nutrition, exercise, proper rest, ergonomics and stress management techniques.


Looking to lose weight or just live a healthier lifestyle? Contact us for a complimentary consultation. We may be able to help.


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