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Passion, Purpose and Intention……What drives you?


"So what do you do?"

"I'm a _____________?"

"Oh, really. How interesting! How did you get into that?"

How many times have you found yourself in a conversation like this? I often get asked how I came into chiropractic, and I love answering that question.  

Have you ever heard yourself mumbling “there has to be a better solution?“ Well that is how my journey into chiropractic started. I was raised with the two parents that did not have the best of health. My father had triple bypass surgery at the 35. At the time, he had a large blood transfusion and as a result contracted Hepatitis C. He tragically passed at the young age of 65 after modern medicine’s attempt could not overcome. When I was 15, my mother came down with a mysterious neurological condition. Her doctors really didn’t have a definitive diagnosis but they thought perhaps Lyme disease was responsible. So for several months, I intravenously administered her medication twice per day. There I was 15, desperately wanting to be a teenager, but instead I was solely responsible for my mother’s IV care. Well, long story short a year later Lyme disease became Multiple Sclerosis and her Journey was on another path.

At this point, with both my parents ill, I wanted to make a difference. I decided to go to medical school and become a medical doctor.  Yes, the simple cliché of finding a cure of Multiple Sclerosis crossed my mind. All through high school and college I watched as one immunosuppressive drug after another was prescribed to my mother like a Guinea pig. Needless to say I was frustrated. Why would one administer immunosuppressive drugs to a patient with an autoimmune disease? It just made no sense to me.

There had to be a better way. 

How could an outside-in approach be the answer? After everything my family had been through, I was passionate about helping people get well, but I was starting to see that modern medicine might not be the right move for me.  My purpose was to help as many people as I could learn how to express health naturally. My intention was to find a methodology or a vehicle for this natural health to shine through.  

Enter chiropractic; after realizing I was more suited toward helping people express health instead of dealing with symptom, sickness and disease I shifted gears to pursue what turned out to be a life changing career. After doing some research I learned that I could use the information I gained studying biomechanics and kinesiology in undergrad to directly affect the function of the nerve system. Now by adjusting the spine I get to help people express health from the inside-out. I get to educate my patients about our innate ability to heal and self-regulate.    

Clearly there is a better solution to our country’s healthcare crisis. If you or someone you know is tired of an outside-in approach that only masks symptoms, call our office to schedule a consultation.

There is a better way, and in my opinion it’s chiropractic! How did you discover chiropractic as a patient? I would love to hear your journey in the comments below!


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