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Tips to Avoid Sweets During the Holidays

I spent most of October giving you tips to keep your kids away from all the sugar, but we’re fast approaching a time where sugar is all around us. The Holidays are notorious for being full of sweets. So here’s how to make sure you get through the holidays with your figure in tact:

  1. Bring healthy snacks with you along the way. Bananas, corn chips,  or dried fruits (for your sweet tooth) should be at hand to help with any cravings.

  2. Forewarn your friends and family that you’re trying to avoid sweets. This way they won’t try to force food on you (hopefully!), and they won’t be offended when you don’t try their dessert.

  3. Indulge in moderation. If you love desserts don’t be afraid to treat yourself as long as you have a small helping.

  4. Don’t forget to exercise. It might be hard to stick to your normal routine if you are traveling or have family in town, but make time for some exercise! Take a short walk after your meals at the very least.

What are your tips for not succumbing to sweets? Or do you have a story to share about your experiences? Let us know in the comments.


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