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How exciting! It is Immunization Awareness Month

As if we (Californians) have not been aware of this polarizing issue that has crossed over from a parental health consideration to a mandated political debauchery.

I don't mind what parents decide to do as it relates to vaccinating their children. I personally believe in a healthy host and healthy life choices. As a health practitioner I would never suggest that parents vaccinate or not vaccinate their children. I feel that this is a very personal decision. I do however always talk to my practice members about getting informed about the facts and doing their own research. 

As in any health issue or decision don't just do what everyone else is doing. Don't just take the option of one doctor.  Don't take the easy path and follow the herd.  Learn what Herd Immunity means and decide if you buy into that philosophy.

All the information you could possibly desire about this topic is at your finger tips. There is no excuse to not get informed. Here are just a couple of links that have two very different ideas about this topic. Read both, follow the research and ask questions. 

Ask your doctor questions. Make sure that you get appropriate answers and that he/she does not ignore your questions with banter. Your doctors aren't smarter than you.  All the same information they know about this topic is available to you. You probably have time to read more thoroughly about it than they do.  If you haven't noticed they are seeing more patients and their schedule usually doesn't allow leisurely time to catch up on the latest research.   

As for California and a mandated vaccination schedule it sickens me.  Whether you are pro vaccination, against vaccination or for a reduced vaccination schedule taking away people's civil liberties is not the way to handle this issue. 

This is a hot topic.  If I struck a nerve.....good. Communication and dialogue can help clear up misconceptions and falsehoods on both sides.  Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


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